atelier 13 audio
LessLoss C-Marc Power Cords
Everything here ... yes everything ... is about
the purity of Music

C-Marc Prime
1.0m / 1.5m / 2.0m
Over 2m : +$58 per 0.5m
C-Marc Classic
1.0m / 1.5m / 2.0m
Over 2m : +$92 per 0.5m
C-Marc Entropic
1.0m / 1.5m / 2.0m
Over 2m : +$92 per 0.5m
C-Marc Stellar
1.0m / 1.5m / 2.0m
Over 2m : +$112 per 0.5m
"I'm simply convinced ... LessLess has the answer"
"Best of 2021"
December, 2021 Srajan Ebaen
6moons has chosen the LessLoss C-MARC Entropic Process series of cables out of 106 reviewed products from various manufacturers during the year 2021 as their pick of the year!
"I'm simply convinced that for a very relaxed utterly grain-free and liquid sound, LessLoss' C-MARC Entropic range has the answer."
The C-Marc Entropic
What is burn-in ?
Burn-in is a strange phenomenon in which newly made gear or cables go through a series of inexplicable initial transitional phases in terms of performance. One day the sound may be brittle and coarse; another day the sound may be rubbery and elastic. One may experience phases of bass-heavy submersion as if one is under water, then periods where one feels the bass is too weak or not in balance with the mids and treble. Eventually, these two extremes converge into a balanced, stable performance, a mature and pleasant tonal balance.
It is most likely that LessLoss products present exactly the same changes that any new wire goes through. The only difference is that C-MARC has such a fantastically low noise floor that one can more readily perceive and experience these large burn-in swings because so much more detail is exposed to the listener than usual.
It goes without saying that you simply cannot have it both ways : you cannot expect a totally transparent cable to reveal real data on a recording that won't simultaneously also reveal a much deeper underlying physical aspect of burn-in as it matures and settles in performance. The performance is the ability to show more and more minute changes in signal. This also must mean, at the same time, that it will show more and more minute changes in whatever actually constitutes burn-in (molecular structure re-alignment or something …? ... sorry, we haven’t solved everything!).
And a mystery it is and remains.
But we have made a HUGE step in accelerating it.
If, before, you experienced the infamous ‘roller-coaster ride’ of settling and opening up, now it will be a supersonic rocket launch with G-forces you had better be prepared for. After the rattling of instruments, mind, muscle and bone, the view, once in orbit, of that rarefied silent cosmos, is really worth the patience. Burn-in time is not necessarily longer or shorter…it is just more intense.
Both the C-MARC Classic power cable and C-MARC Entropic Process power cables are superb performers. It takes us 18 hours to make the C-MARC power cable, and no less than 30 hours to make the Entropic Process version.
The C-Marc Classic
For the non-Entropic version of this cable, other than the additional Entropic process, all other technical aspects of this version are identical to those of the Entropic version. A burn-in period will therefore be required, and the relative sonic performance, although excellent in its own right, is not on par with the spectacular prowess of the Entropic ... which after all commands a 66% higher price.
The C-Marc Stellar
All C-MARC™ Stellar power cables come with a special advanced version of the Entropic Process by default! There is no Stellar non-Entropic product!
Entropic Process advanced to double its effectiveness, taking the time to carry out the entire time consuming process from once to twice, back to back, raising production time from 30 hours per power cord to 54 hours!
You will still experience some burn-in effect
These may be accompanied by initial hardness or darkness of sound, swinging back and forth.
But you will be doubly rewarded for enduring any initial performance swings!
You'll hear and sense the potential of performance within the first half hour as a glorious sneak peek of what's to come!
Give it a week and you'll be launched into a sonic journey of stellar greatness!
Never before will you have had such a deep respect for the talent of musicians you admire so dearly!
Soul comes from the heart, we feel instinctively as the music speaks to us. Intellect comes from clarity and analysis of what we hear. You'll enjoy both in spades, and in perfect balance.
You'll largely forget any notion of artefacts or foreign information meddling its way into your musical experience.
The C-Marc Prime
The new and attractively priced C-MARC Prime power cable !
This is now undoubtedly the best price/performance ratio product on the audio market today!
The C-MARC Prime cable features all the high performance features of our C-MARC Classic power cable, including :
LessLoss breakthrough C-MARC Common-Mode Auto-Rejecting dual fractal meticulous braids.
Made up of hair-thin 0.125mm diameter solid core Litz strands, individually enamel coated with thinnest technically possible coating on the order of microns.
Electrical contacts made only at the ends, to eliminate micro-arcing and diode effects throughout the cable's length.
100% cotton core for micro-vibration absorption.
Thin, transparent, protective outer sheath of flexible polyolefin, further scratch-proofed by a strong, lightweight multi-filament outermost braid.
Hand braided to form highly flexible, perfectly practical cables of high performance.
Conductive cross section: 3 x 2.304mm^2 copper
What are the differences between the C-MARC Prime and
the C-MARC Classic power cable?
The C-MARC Prime cable has a somewhat smaller appearance than the C-MARC Classic.
The total cross section is the only difference between this power cable and the C-MARC Classic. Whereas C-MARC Classic has two complete dual fractal braids per line, the C-MARC Prime has one.
C-MARC Prime is priced very attractively and is not available in Entropic Process form.
Cable Detail Gallery

In August of 2023, we launched our new State-of-the-Art C-MARC™ Stellar power cable. Global adoption has been immense!
Indeed, such was its popularity, that we have been working non-stop at breakneck speed for the past 8 months straight fulfilling all the orders. Today, on April 8th 2024 ... finally, we have caught up with all pre-orders and shipped the last of them out. Thank you to everyone who practiced patience! Judging from all the feedback, it has all paid off multiple fold!
Louis Motek | LessLoss
"Experience C-MARC Stellar now, and never look back!"
What they say ...
From a new press review by 6moons.com recently published in March 2024 on their own findings on the C-MARC Stellar power cable :
"the connectors clamp down like pit bulls."
"very pliable"
"Proper cable routing won't require a planning degree"
"sound quality dove still deeper into greater immediacy"
"more luminosity"
"higher charge, energy, enunciation and separation"
"The Stellar cords now shifted my textural needle a few degrees deeper into speed and illumination"
"I was rather surprised"
"greater motility and overall aeration"
"a very particular lit-up directness"
"if money were no issue, these leashes wouldn't return"
"In a high-resolution context, even small reductions in residual system noise can manifest as sonic advances. This particular noise isn't audible per se like a minor ground loop, transformer hum or power-supply surf emitting through a tweeter. Rather it's bat-sphere stuff which intermodulates or 'echoes down' into the audible band. Wherever capable noise killers manage to clear away some of that bat crap, we hear just a bit more micro detail. Nearly invariably that's about recorded space being better illuminated by very low-level reflections between and behind the images. It also moves more subliminal upper harmonics out of the noise floor. That overtone illumination generates more timbral diversity. Individual instruments and singers sound more not less different from each other. Finally there's a sense of flow or breath. That creates continuity or cohesion at the same time that greater resolution sets up more separation. When music rides more obviously on the real breath of singers and woodwinds or the micro-dynamic bel canto of other instrumentalists emoting with nuance—cellists can be ace at that—we invariably gain persuasiveness"
"Playback feels more human, less mechanical. Compared to my darker heavier thicker residents of less nuance, these were the shades of pastels the visiting Stellar cords played with in my hardware context"
"It gives more insight for less volume. Put differently, there's no need to fight with any obliqueness of darkness and its many manifestations. Just turn more light on. Not bad for a pair of 'just' power cords, innit?"
"the Stellar range-topper would seem perfect for that first link between wall and power distributor. Now it will benefit all kit which hangs off the outlet expander to multiply the cost/performance ratio and spread around the luv of lower noise and higher resolution"
[RCA / Unbalanced]
C-Marc from $ 850
Entropic from $ 1,428

[XLR / Balanced]
C-Marc from $ 950
Entropic from $ 1,615

Digital Interconnect Cable SPDIF [RCA / BNC]
C-Marc from $ 510
Entropic from $ 858

Digital Interconnect Cable AES / EBU [XLR]
C-Marc from $ 570
The Power Distributor is recommended for use while standing on 3 LessLoss Bindbreaker feet
Set of 3 $ 672

The Result :
fantastic clarity, lower noise, more focus, better imaging, more distinguishable bass, clear and uncolored highs, and a rich midrange with melodic qualities which simply sing music in all its purity.
Music frees itself from the bounds of the loudspeaker.
The Bindbreaker foot is about 38mm high. The foot rests upon a hexagonal platform made of beautiful Bog Oak, which measures about 90mm across.
$224 / pc - $672 / 3pc Set

Firewall 640X

Featuring the latest and most advanced LessLoss Skin-filtering technology, the Firewall Module blocks noise pollution to levels traditional capacitor and coil-based solutions can only hope to approach.
Developed from our critically acclaimed DFPC (Dynamic Filtering Power Cable), the LessLoss Firewall Module reveals hidden subtleties of the entire audio event as it eliminates the widespread negative effects of high frequency noise pollution.
Use the 640X Firewall module with any equipment so that its potential performance can be realized in today's over-polluted electro-magnetic atmosphere
Plug & Play
Plug-and-Play Firewall 640X module featuring C-MARC™ flexible umbilical. Our finest, state-of-the-art power conditioning product
Plug & Play

Firewall 640X