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Gato Audio

Scandinavian Design Flair and Deliciously Seductive Sound… truly Rare  

John Bamford  HI-FI NEWS

Gato Audio PWR-222

High End Mono Power Amplifier


The PWR-222 is a reference in analogue power amplification. With our own TwinFET technology it delivers a staggering 250W/8ohm and can deal with even the most power hungry speakers.

"I’d say the Gato Audio PWR-222s delivered some of the silkiest sounds I’ve heard in recent times, wrapped up in a (nonmagnetic) suit that would do Savile Row proud."


€8,800  / Mono pair

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Gato Audio PRE-1

Reference Preamplifier


The PRE-1 is an essential part of Gato Audios reference system, the perfect partner for the PWR-222 mono block power amplifiers.

" don't have to worry about any roughness and sharpness in this preamplifier, it's colorful, rich and smooth, it is very easy to listen to and although it feels shining through its own character with a bit of warmth, the music beats smoothly but leisurely."



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Gato Audio PRD-3S

Preamplifier & DAC


The PRD-3S is an essential part of Gato Audios reference system. It represents a more accessible partner for the PWR-222 mono block, DPA-4004 and DPA-2506 power amplifiers.

" don't have to worry about any roughness and sharpness in this preamplifier, it's colorful, rich and smooth, it is very easy to listen to and although it feels shining through its own character with a bit of warmth, the music beats smoothly but leisurely."



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Gato Audio AMP-150 AE

Class AB Integrated Amplifier


Multi award winning integrated amplifier, Editors Choices, Best Buy and Outstanding Excellence from leading audio media. Our reference of integrated amplifiers.

An integrated amplifier of the highest aesthetic, technical and audio reproductive quality. Beautiful, simple and functional by design. As easy as child's play to operate. Resourceful enough to hold the most power-hungry speakers in a viselike grip, yet at the same time musical, respectful and authentic.

"... the AMP-150's conveys a sense of sheer unrestrained power, that unfolds with great ease and grace without any hint of brute force ... unlike the overly brute-like assertiveness which is all too often the unwelcome trait of other highly powerful amplifiers.

What we are also offered here is a high level of detail retrieval, notably combined with a very high degree of differentiation. Surprisingly, this is also an amplifier which revealed more in recordings than we ever could have imagined... with great ease and nuance it exposed differences between various editions, pressings, and recording artists."


[Translation to English)


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Gato Audio DIA-250S

Gato Audio DIA-400S

Class D Integrated Amplifiers with DAC


The DIA-250S is Gato's bestselling Integrated Amplifier/DAC. Combined with our optional NPM streaming solution, it offers fantastic sound quality, 250 Watts of power and loss less wireless streaming in one beautiful cabinet.

The DIA-400S Integrated Amplifier/DAC, is a reference in Class-D amplification delivering an awe-inspiring 400W into 8 ohms. With the optional all-new Roon Ready streaming module built-in, it is an absolute killer among the one box solutions in the market today.

"... the Gato Audio DIA-250S is my new reference in its price range and a lot higher too."


"...the Gatos transform my listening space into a concert hall and make the illusion perfect; you think you’re in the first row, you forget time and space."






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Gato Audio CDD-1

CD-Player and DAC


We have combined a creamy summation of all the best technological breakthroughs stemming from the developments in the CD's 30 year history, and in addition included a couple of innovations we are proud to have made specifically for this groundbreaking DAC/CD drive.

"... to come straight to the point: Only on rare occasions have I ever come across such an “analog” sounding CD player! And as such, the CDD-1 fits in perfectly as well as seamlessly into the overall signature sound of the Gato family."

"...outstanding sonic performance and outstanding delicate design. This combination has the power to satisfy you even for decades."



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Gato Audio DPA-2506

Gato Audio DPA-4004

Multi-Channel Class D Power Amplifiers


The Gato Audio DPA-2506 and the DPA-4004 are multi-channel flexible power amplifiers, that offer unparalleled power and performance in the smallest and most beautiful package.


The DPA-2506 offers up to 6 power output channels, whilst the DPA-4004 offers 4 channels.

"... Pure Muscle! - The DPA-2506 offers no less than 6x250W into an 8ohm load, doubling into 4ohm....and the DPA-4004 offers no less than 4x400W in an 8ohm load, also doubling its output into 4ohm.


Each pair of channels are bridgeable – enabling these fully configurable powerhouses to be used for either multichannel setups, for active systems, or for bi-amping speakers.."

DPA-2506 / DPA-4004


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