atelier 13 audio
" In summary, the Backert Labs Rhumba Extreme 1.3 is flipping phenomenal. It does everything I want a tube line stage to do. It pairs well with tube and solid-state amps, it’s great on vinyl and digital, it images like a beast going deep and wide without it feeling artificial or gimmicky.
Backert Labs claims it just extracts what is really in the recording, but I think it goes beyond that and adds a pinch of tube tone that really makes this a stellar product.
I think Backert has created a product that knocks on that proverbial “live in your living room” door and honestly it’s something I just can’t live without. I’ll be buying Backert Rhumba Extreme 1.3 as my permanent reference. It’s just that good. No, it’s that great ! "


Backert Labs Rhumba 1.4
At $5,000, the new Rhumba 1.4 linestage preamp has the same basic circuit design as the $12,900 Rhythm 1.4, including fully balanced XLR input and output. That also includes the same power supply design — our patented GreenForce.™
All in a gorgeous chassis. Like the Rhythm, the Rhumba is designed, machined, and assembled in the USA with NO farming out of the solid aluminum chassis to other countries.
From its debut, the Rhumba Preamps have wowed listeners
The Rhumba has always featured a convenient tube access door to let you change tubes easily. The Rhumba 1.4, as with the Rhumba 1.3, eliminates the detachable thumbscrews on the tube door. A “mono/stereo” switch on the front panel, a feature taken from our flagship Rhythm preamp, which can be helpful to those of you who listen to mono records or CDs. Good stock tubes – we use the smooth and sweet Mullard reissues.
Features ... Features
Other features carried over from the Rhythm flagship include fully balanced XLR input and output, no use of negative feedback, pure Class A design, a luxurious remote volume control, mute switch, balance control, REC OUT jacks, Home Theater Bypass jacks, custom-made toroidal transformer and Furutech IEC inlet to allow you to experiment with various power cords.
The Rhumba 1.4 has 9dB of gain.
The Sound
The Rhumba sounds remarkably close to the company’s flagship, the $12,900 Rhythm. Although it is less than half the price of the Rhythm we were able to bring the Rhumba’s dynamics, fun factor, overall musicality and punchy, involving timing extremely close to the Rhythm’s.
These sonic characteristics form part of the company’s mission.
Bob Backert has said :
“When you enter a club or restaurant, it’s usually pretty easy to tell whether the music is live, or being played on a stereo. I wanted to make it impossible to tell the difference.”
To do that, we focus on the accuracy of two things: dynamics and rhythm. Our technical innovations have brought us significantly closer to the goal of reproducing truly live sound.
Compared to the Rhumba 1.3, the Rhumba 1.4 features progressively “bigger” sound with greater weight, more articulate midrange, and more precise imaging.
The Power Supply
One part of the Rhumba that furthers the achievement of Bob Backert’s mission by improving timing and dynamic accuracy is the power supply. Patented by Mr. Backert, GreenForce™ is the first completely new kind of power supply since switching supplies were invented in the 1950s. Contrary to other designers’ seemingly unending desire for larger capacitor values in the power supply, Bob Backert wanted to reduce capacitors to the greatest extent possible, because of their detrimental effects on timber, timing and dynamics. GreenForce allows the power supply to use almost no capacitance, and therefore far higher quality capacitors (in the case of the Rhumba, high quality polypropylene capacitors).
The way the power supply works is also key ... and it is very different, because it actively pushes power into the amplifying circuit, instead of passively bleeding out power as the circuit demands it. That ‘push’ makes GreenForce more nimble in responding to power demands from musical recordings. This also improves the accuracy of rhythm and dynamics.
GreenForce gets its green “credentials” by shunning typical power supply parts (electrolytic capacitors) that contain environmentally unfriendly chemicals, instead using environmentally neutral “film” capacitors.
Built in the USA
The Rhumba is designed by veteran circuit designer Bob Backert, and assembled in the U.S. under the close supervision of his son, COO Gary Backert.
Two 12au7 tubes are utilized for the gain stage, accessible by a convenient transparent access door that highlights the warm glow of the tubes through the top panel. The Rhumba comes with Mullard 12au7 tubes.
Gain Stage – “Dynamic Linearity” Circuit
As in the Rhythm, the gain stage features a unique tube support circuit that allows more accurate dynamics, lower distortion and very low output impedance (just 75 ohms). These benefits are achieved without resorting to common tools such as negative feedback and cathode followers, which Mr. Backert feels are detrimental to sonic accuracy.

The 12AU7, also known as ECC82, is a miniature 9-pin low-gain dual-triode vacuum tube . It belongs to a large family of dual triode vacuum tubes which share the same pinout (EIA 9A), including the medium-mu 12AT7 and high-mu 12AX7. The 12AU7 has lower voltage gain than the 12AT7.
Originally intended for operation in AF circuits, it found wide use in audio as a low-noise line amplifier, driver and phase-inverter in push–pull amplifier circuits.
This tube is essentially two 6C4/EC90s in a single envelope. The tube has a center-tapped filament so it can be used in either 6.3V 300mA or 12.6V 150mA heater circuits.

Backert Labs Rhumba Extreme 1.4
The Rhumba Extreme 1.4 is our best value in a linestage tube preamplifier. Fully balanced connections, with sonics very near to our flagship Rhythm, for $8,500.
“The dynamics were immediately noticeably improved. The ability of the Rhumba Extreme to have finesse in the micro-dynamics, while having a very powerful and vigorous sound, was the most noticeable (and a little bit shocking) attribute out of the box.” – EnjoyTheMusic.com
“This is one of those components that you put in your system and immediately notice an improvement.” …. “The Beatles were playing the tambourine in my living room. I could have got out of my chair, walked over between the left speaker and center image and grabbed it – it was right frigging there!” – PartTimeAudiophile.com
The Rhumba Extreme™ gives you an easy way to get a Rhythm 1.4 - our flagship linestage preamp - at a lower cost ... How ?
We took the Rhythm flagship and put nearly every bit of it inside the less-expensive chassis of our Rhumba preamp. The result is the Rhumba Extreme.
On the outside, it’s identical to our more affordable Rhumba except for 4 things :
First, we put a blue LED on the volume knob, similar to the Rhythm, so you
always know where the volume is during late night sessions.
Second, on the Rhumba Extreme, the background of the cut-outs on the
left and right side of the front plate have a mirrored stainless steel finish.
Third, the Rhumba Extreme features solid brass hemispheres for feet.
Because they are round, they will not harm your shelves. Finally, the word
“Extreme” appears next to the serial number on the rear panel.
On the inside, the Extreme is much closer to a Rhythm than it is to a Rhumba. That’s the whole point of the Rhumba Extreme : to allow music lovers to hear what our flagship Rhythm 1.4 sounds like, at a more affordable price.
Rhumba Extreme 1.4 vs. Rhumba 1.4
What are the goodies that make the Rhumba Extreme so extreme,
compared to the “regular” Rhumba?
A fully dual-mono power supply – including dual-mono regulators –
so the Rhumba Extreme has two full GreenForce power supplies,
one for the left channel, and one for the right channel.
Each power supply gets its own discrete regulator.
Our famous auto-bias circuit for the tubes, which keeps your tubes
happy with the perfect bias level at all times.
This will make your tubes last longer, and it will prevent tubes that
have unusual bias requirements from sounding bad due to being
deprived of the bias they want.
As mentioned above, the cool blue LED light on the edge of the
volume knob, the solid brass feet, from edenSound, and the mirror
finish for the left and right cut-outs on the front panel.
High quality Jantzen Silver polypropylene capacitors for the
power supply. Our ability to use such high quality capacitors is owed
to the design of Bob Backert’s patented GreenForce power supply.
Rhumba Extreme 1.4 vs. Rhythm 1.4
Is the Rhumba Extreme EXACTLY like our flagship Rhythm on the inside ?
Not quite :
the Rhythm has 2 XLR inputs ... it is fully balanced.
The Rhumba Extreme has 1 XLR input ... it is fully balanced.
Both have 3 RCA inputs. As for outputs, there is no difference :
both have 1 XLR output, fully balanced, and 2 RCA outputs.
Power Supply Capacitors
The Rhythm has copper foil and PTFE capacitors running the power supply.
The Rhumba Extreme uses high quality polypropylene capacitors for this duty.
The Rhythm comes with Gold Lion gold pin 12au7 tubes,
while the Rhumba Extreme comes with Mullard 12au7’s.
Output Capacitors
The Rhythm has V-Cap ODAM capacitors for the output caps, while the Rhumba
Extreme uses premium polypropylene capacitors from Jantzen for output duty.

Backert Labs Rhythm 1.4
“You want this. Trust me – you want it bad.”
That was the reaction of Ron Brenay, founder of NewRecordDay.com
“The long and the short of it is that the Rhythm is completely quiet, highly resolving, explosively dynamic, and sounds freakin’ amazing.
I suppose you could say that I’m a fan.”
That was Scot Hull, the founder of Part Time Audiophile, talking about the first Rhythm preamp, the 1.1 ... The current Rhythm is the 1.4 !
“Listening to my Lumin U1 with the Rhythm 1.3 connected to my McIntosh MC462 amplifier playing through my Sopra 2’s, the sound is simply MAGNIFICENT. This preamp is destined to be an audio classic.”
That came from a customer who recently replaced his preamp with the Rhythm 1.3.
“Dude…. This thing is so freakin good….. Pass it along…..”
An email we received from reviewer Greg Petan after dropping a Rhythm off at his
cool New York City apartment.
The Rhythm 1.4 is our flagship. Silky, powerful, dynamic, and huge. Our finest linestage tube preamplifier, it sells for $12,900.
Key Features
Fully balanced XLR inputs (2) and output (1): for those of you with long cable
runs or who feel that balanced XLR just sounds better
Dual-mono power supply
Left and right channels have their own power supplies and regulators for the ultimate in separation, imaging and accuracy
Improved output capacitors
The highly seductive V-Cap ODAMs now handle output duty
Improved power supply capacitors
The famously dominant V-Cap PTFE capacitors now drive our GreenForce power supply — with copper foil, an exotic capacitor that is unheard-of in any audio power supply – in any any power supply at all, actually
Improved circuit board
double the copper in each trace
Improved feet
the Rhythm 1.3 features the excellent Terracones, from edenSound
Improved stock tubes
our special NOS tubes provide maximum pace, dimensionality and resolution
Our latest circuit
Gain stage and power supply regulator designs benefit from our latest research
Technology At A Glance
The Rhythm 1.4 is a line stage preamp that provides a new level of audio.
The Rhythm 1.4 uses an amplification circuit (“gain stage”) unlike any other. The way it amplifies is extremely easy on your tubes, running at a remarkably low voltage (150 volts) for the blackest backgrounds possible, as well as the longest tube life you will find anywhere.
Its internal parts are of the highest quality, including the best capacitors ever built into a power supply (V-Cap™ capacitors), a first in audio made possible by Bob Backert’s patented GreenForce™ power supply.
Amazingly low output impedance (75 ohms) means that the Rhythm 1.4 combines beautifully with any power amplifier. The transformer is toroidal and custom-made for us.
The Furutech IEC connector allows you to experiment with various power cords. And the premium jacks on the rear panel are so sturdy and widely spaced, the Rhythm 1.4 can handle whatever interconnects you may select.
Features & Specifications
Inputs - Type
3 x Single-ended RCA
1 x Balanced XLR
2 x Single-ended RCA
1 x REC Out RCA
1 x HTB Input RCA
Frequency Response
1.5Hz to 320kHz (+/- 3db)
THD + Noise
S/N Ratio
98dB - 2.5V / 9dB-1V
Channel Separation
> 78dB
Input Impedance
55 kOhms
Power Supply
Dimensions (in)
17 x 12 x 4
15 lbs
Inputs - Type
3 x Single-ended RCA
1 x Balanced XLR
2 x Single-ended RCA
1 x REC Out RCA
1 x HTB Input RCA
Frequency Response
6Hz to 109kHz (+/- 1db)
THD + Noise
S/N Ratio
98dB - 2.5V / 9dB-1V
Channel Separation
> 78dB
Input Impedance
56 kOhms
Power Supply
Dimensions (in)
17 x 12 x 4
17 lbs
Inputs - Type
3 x Single-ended RCA
1 x Balanced XLR
2 x Single-ended RCA
1 x REC Out RCA
1 x HTB Input RCA
Frequency Response
6Hz to 108kHz (+/- 1db)
THD + Noise
S/N Ratio
98dB - 2.5V / 9dB-1V
Channel Separation
> 78dB
Input Impedance
34 kOhms
Power Supply
Dimensions (in)
17 x 12 x 4
24 lbs